Satisfied and enthusiastic customers with whom you make sales and profits en-sure the survival of your company. These customers may want i.e. Respect, recognition, attention, security, joy and customized solutions.
Customers are interested in results!
Since they don’t want to take any risks, they want trustworthy partnerships. There is a lot to be done before you, the seller, can claim this trust for yourself.
You can also offer the best product in the world. You will only have a real sales opportunity if potential customers learn about it. You can use these techniques to reach your desired customers in the future:
Marketing and advertising are not the same. Advertising is part of marketing, while marketing in the sense of market-oriented corporate management stands for the alignment of all relevant activities within the company. The primary aim is to develop tools to respond more efficiently and quickly to the wishes and needs of the target group. Only then the competitor will have no chance.
Marketing ensures that sales and sales targets are secured with the help of vari-ous tools. Marketing is not only an effective way to increase sales, profits and long-term customer loyalty, but a necessary way. If you want to leave it (because you have to, because you can’t do it without marketing), you will learn the fol-lowing tools in our coaching, which you can then use immediately: