If colleagues/employers/friends become arch enemies, immediate action is required to prevent the worst.

Mobbing means that a person is systematically harassed, disadvantaged, insulted or marginalized by others – and that over a longer period of time. A harassment that unfortunately can affect everyone, as more and more studies show. After that, more than 60 percent were victims of workplace mobbing. These alarmingly high numbers are still not being taken seriously by employers. Apparently they are hiding behind the statement: “It cannot be what should not be.”

We assume that executives do not associate mobbing with their company because they believe that this problem does not exist under their leadership. Suppress instead of recognizing – that is their motto. But even if this problem is identified, hardly any managers are trained to eliminate or prevent mobbing in the workplace. It is a dangerous condition. On the one hand for the victims of mobbing, and on the other hand for the company itself. The annual costs of mobbing are enormous.

Mobbing not only endangers the working atmosphere, but also leads to illnesses for those affected. It also affects not only mental health, but also physical health (what makes you sick). This can result in sleep disorders, headache and abdominal pain, psychosomatic disorders or an overall higher susceptibility to diseases.

Services we offer

  • Early detection of mobbing
  • Eliminate the dangers of mobbing at work (or in the private environment)
  • Mobbing prevention
  • Conflict management
  • Combating mobbing in the company and privately or vice versa (one requires the other – who is bullied privately cannot achieve 100 percent performance in business)
  • Root cause analysis and elimination
  • Prevent addiction risks through mobbing
  • Free yourself from the mobbing trap (also in a private environment, for example within the family/friends or circle of acquaintances)