The data security and the data protection are not the same thing. The data security is about effectively protecting your data from theft, loss through system crashes, manipulation or cyber-attacks. The data protection, the so-called backup, refers only to the regular storage and copying of data on external media. While this form of security is possible for everyone, the expert knowledge is required when it comes to the data security, in particular in order to secure IT systems against cyber-attacks in the long term.

The latter can be limited by good prevention, but never completely prevented. Even if these attacks mainly come from outside, it is more and more common for employees to carry out cyber-attacks and act within the company. On the one hand, they want to use this data to enrich themselves personally and, on the other hand, to sustainably damage their employer. In such cases, haste is advised to keep the damage as low as possible. In particular, it is about highly sensitive data that must not fall into the hands of the competition. With regard to artificial intelligence, which links production processes between companies at different locations (around the globe), the risk of cyber-attacks will increase significantly. Even if the highest level of data security can be achieved here, this never applies to 100 percent. In the event of an attack, immediate action must be taken to prevent the worst. Then it is possible to store all electronic traces in a court-safe manner in order to be able to prove involvement in the crime against the judiciary. In this way, criminal, civil and labor law offenses are documented in a court-safe manner.

A special focus in the fight against Internet crime is for us the so-called Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). This is a network attack in which an unauthorized person has gained access to an external company network and remains undetected for as long as possible. It primarily wants to steal data, but does no other damage. However, such an APT attack naturally does extremely high damage because the person will sell these information to the competitors.

Our experts, all of whom have many years of experience in IT data security, can analyze a variety of IT systems and platforms and prepare electronic traces in a court-safe manner. Even if it is anything but easy to identify attacks of any kind, any intruder who stole data as prey always leaves its mark. Our approach is to pursue this.

Do not wait until you are the victim of a cyber-attack, but act now by taking measures to protect your IT systems with all data. We can help you in this issue.