The entrepreneurs still believe that digitization is a niche issue that only affects the internal IT or marketing department. It is not so. The digitization is like an open heart surgery. It covers the entire company and takes no account of existing structures. Whether departments, employees or branches, they all have to be integrated into the digital process. This will mean that previous functions and thus jobs will be eliminated. This does not necessarily mean that employees lose their jobs. The digitization does not always mean that people are always replaced by machines. In fact, this term stands for progress and modernization. In the best case, the employees can be provided with new tasks by being qualified beforehand.

However, the truth is that as an entrepreneur, you can no longer choose to become a part of digitization. You have no other choice. You have to face this challenge. The sooner, the better you are ahead of your competition.

It is therefore extremely important that your employees and managers develop a basic understanding of the digital transformation. However, this is not a process of hours or days, but a continuous process over a longer period. It’s about integrating the company’s strategic direction into the digital age. In addition to the technical implementation, the communication is essential. Increasing networking means that the expectations and the requirements for the communication increase. This applies in particular to the digital presence in the media. Having a page on the Internet is no longer enough. Consumers demand high-quality content, attractive designs and a service that offers them real added value. It should be noted that the connection to the already networked customers must not be lost.

As a result of this development, there is not only a personal and structural reorganization. The cultural orientation takes a crucial position. That is why all areas of a company have to work actively to create a new and digital identity. As quickly as possible. Because under pressure you can rarely achieve a good result. Those who act under pressure may choose the wrong digital solution, which then does not fit the corporate concept. In the worst case, it can even damage the business. This must be prevented. On the one hand, in which you now face the challenge. On the other hand, you can get external experts on board to make your company fit. These experts are able to create a holistic and future-oriented digital concept for your company.